Share the Love

Share The Love - Children (Orphanage Care)
We have the honor of supporting the care of 13 children living in a small orphanage in Nigeria, West Africa. We take care of their basic needs including feeding, housing and access to education. We also love, mentor, and support these beautiful children to achieve anything they set their minds to. All this has been made possible because of your support. Thank you.

Share The Love - Planet (Sustainable Farming)
Food revolves around farming and farming needs mother earth to thrive. Sustainable farming practices and soil stewardship is a passion we share with the farmers we work with to enable continuous supply of quality nutrient-rich ingredients. When you buy from us, you help us support small community farms joining the fight to save the planet through sustainable farming.
Your Support Matters
With your continued support, everyone will have access to quality, nutritious foods. We appreciate your encouragement, loyalty, and purchases. From our family to yours, thank you.